Masterplan Concepts
New recreational amenity within regenerated riparian Waiwhetū Stream Landscape and escarpment forest.
Cluster of ‘high-interface activities’ centrally and/or along the primary circulation/ gateway zones.
Integration of new activities with existing to optimise function, amenity and opportunity for interface and overlap within the GIQ community and beyond.
Integration of future progressive implementation of as-yet-unknown activities.
The Masterplan seeks to reinforce and enhance provision for existing science focused activities by improving/ upgrading existing buildings and providing a framework for new buildings that extend from the predominant activity types to provide new high quality space with a focus on enhancing amenity and enabling innovative process from bespoke science spaces to more activity-centric interactive spaces enabling cross-over, showcasing, and commercialisation opportunities.
The plan provides a framework for introducing new complementary and supporting activities such as improved hosting capability, meeting, co-work space/ incubator, education space, childcare, recreation and potentially some residential. GIQ Central would house a number of the most interactive facilities in an accessible high-profile area central to the site. This space could accommodate a range of day to day shared activities for the on-site community, and expand to accommodate larger gatherings and hosting for GIQ partners and visitors.
The progressive implementation of the Masterplan also invites a series of ‘interim’ uses and activities that could reflect/ test/ educate transition consistent with GIQ objectives. This might include provision for a temporary plant nursery for raising eco-sourced plants to exemplify an innovative, flexible, and attractive workplace.